News and updates from Coram Deo Church
FRIDAY, APRIL 7 | 5:30 & 7 PM
On Friday, April 7, we will gather for a special service to remember the crucifixion of Jesus. You are invited to join us for one of our Good Friday services at 5:30 or 7 PM.
RSVP now at
There will be no childcare for Good Friday services.
SUNDAY, APRIL 9 | 8, 9:30, 11 AM
Please RSVP now at
On Sunday, April 9, we will celebrate Jesus’ resurrection and triumph over Satan, sin, and death! You are invited to join us for one of our Easter services at 8, 9:30, or 11 AM.
As a special Resurrection Sunday treat, we will be offering a biscuit and gravy breakfast ONLY for attendees of the 8 AM service! Breakfast begins at 7 AM.
There will be no Sunday school classes on Easter morning.
FRIDAY, APRIL 21 | 7 — 9 PM
Men, you are invited to an evening of food, drink, and fellowship at Ridgeline Brewery in West Bremerton on Friday, April 21. There will be pizza available.
Date: Friday, April 21
Time: 7 — 9 PM
Please bring cash to contribute to the cost of the pizza.
SUNDAY, APRIL 23 & 30 | 9:30 — 10:15 AM
The members of Coram Deo Church are committed to following Christ and living out the Gospel. At this two-week membership class, you will have the chance to ask any questions you may have, as well as learn about the history of Coram Deo, our beliefs, and our doctrine.
Date(s): April 23 &30
Time: 9:30 - 10:15 AM
RSVP now at
REMINDER: Youth Community WILL NOT be meeting tonight April 6!!! We will resume meeting next Thursday April 13.
Students in grades 6 - 12 are invited to gather at Coram Deo’s building on Thursday evenings from 6 - 8 PM for games, teaching, and fellowship.
Coram Deo Academy is a Christian Classical Educational institution joining the Kitsap Community in the Fall for the 2023/24 school year. Enrollment is open. Click here to learn more about the enrollment process and request a family interview.
Did you know that you can listen to many of the songs that we sing on Sundays from your home on Spotify? Check out this playlist and sing along to your favorites!
You can listen to sermons, discover podcasts, get the latest updates, and more all on your phone with the Coram Deo Church app. Download it now at
Everyone has a unique gift from God in order to serve the body of Christ. Just like any family, there are a lot of things that need to happen for the church to run smoothly. Below are some areas that currently have spots to fill. Visit the Next Steps Station in the foyer or fill out a Connect Card to start using your gifts today!
If you have needs or questions that you would like to talk to a pastor about, you can email us confidentially at